Park Rx Movement

The Park Rx movement is a national movement to bring health care providers and parks and recreation agencies together in an effort to promote outdoor time for health and wellness outcomes.
The Southeast Minnesota Park Rx collaborative team hosts monthly meetings and invites guest presenters to share about programs and projects connecting people to nature for wellbeing. Check out the recorded presentations on the Se MN Park Rx playlist on YouTube. Also, check out the Nature Prescription Activity Booklet our team created to share with health care providers in the region.
Project GO is championing Park Rx in various ways:
Expanding Access to Forest Therapy
Partnering with organizations across the region to bring forest therapy experiences to communities in southeast Minnesota. We work with partners to offer forest bathing walks for older adults and veterans in southeast Minnesota and we are piloting forest therapy activities with schools in the area.
Mapping out parks and greenspaces near college campuses in southeast Minnesota and promoting time in nature for student wellbeing.
The Healing Forest
Supporting a cohort of BIPOC health care/mental health/recreational therapy practitioners in southeast Minnesota to become certified Nature and Forest Therapy guides and bring nature-based healing to BIPOC youth and young adults experiencing trauma. As part of this project, we created a nature and forest therapy curriculum for youth and young adults.
Learn about The Healing Forest project!